We are Believers in Jesus committed to showing His love and sharing the life-changing message of the Messiah with Jewish people.
Interested in working at Jewish Voice?
Working at Jewish Voice is different. Here's why.
Many organizations offer humanitarian aid in the name of Jesus, while others share the Gospel. Some even focus on Jewish people. But Jewish Voice is one of the few ministries doing both: reaching Jewish people with both humanitarian aid and the all-important message of the Gospel.
We hear it over and over: Two of the best things about working at Jewish Voice are ministering to Jewish people and working with amazing people who love the Lord.

See What Other Spiritual Leaders Are Saying

Gordon Robertson – CEO, Christian Broadcasting Network
“Louis Kaplan, 50 years ago, founded Jewish Voice. What a pioneering work. And Jonathan has come along to fill those difficult shoes. And he’s using the Spirit of God to take [the ministry] to new heights. Let’s all get behind Jewish Voice.”

Dr. Marilyn Hickey – Founder, Marilyn Hickey Ministries
“Every Christian owes the Jewish community their salvation because of the original plan that God put in place. One God, one purpose, one Savior, one salvation for ALL. Jewish Voice and Jonathan Bernis have been faithful to carry this message all around the world and we are privileged to see the fruit of this ministry today!”

Samuel Rodriguez – New Season Lead Pastor & NHCLC President
“Jewish Voice is without a doubt one of the most transformative and important ministries on the planet. Jonathan’s commitment to sharing the love of God with the Jewish people and with the entire world for that matter is second to none.”

Janet Parshall – Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host
“Jonathan Bernis and Jewish Voice Ministries do a fabulous job of teaching the Church how to share the love of Jesus with everyone, especially our Jewish friends and neighbors. But they also do the crucial job of explaining why the nation of Israel is significantly important to our past, our present and our future. God bless you for your bold, compassionate and courageous work. We need you now, more than ever!”

Tim Ross – Lead Pastor, Embassy City Church
“As a Gentile Believer in Jesus I am honored to endorse Jewish Voice and Jonathan Bernis. Evangelism would have never reached the Gentiles without it being presented to the Jew first. May our continued support of this ministry reach the world!”
Our History
January 1967
Louis Kaplan founds Jewish Voice Broadcasts (JVB) in Phoenix, Arizona, airing a weekly radio program to reach Jewish people with the Gospel
More About our Founder
June 1967
Jerusalem is united under Israeli rule for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Interest in the Jewish roots of Christianity soars.
March 1978
Jewish Voice Broadcasts begins a weekly television show.
24-year-old Jonathan Bernis founds Messianic Congregation Shema Yisrael in Rochester, New York
More About Jonathan Bernis
May 1990
Jonathan Bernis leads a ministry tour to the Soviet Union and founds Hear O Israel Ministries (HOIM).
May 1993
HOIM conducts its first large-scale festival in St. Petersburg, Russia. More than 3,000 people, most of them Jewish, accept Jesus as Messiah.
Mid 1990s
Jonathan Bernis appears on the JVB television show. HOIM Festivals continue reaching thousands of Jewish people around the world.
JVB founder Louis Kaplan passes away, and Jonathan Bernis is asked to head the ministry together with HOIM.
HOIM conducts a Medical Outreach to poverty-stricken Beta Abraham Jewish people in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
JVB and HOIM merge to become Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI).
JVMI conducts two Medical Outreaches in Ethiopia, shaping a new ministry platform for meeting needs and sharing the Gospel.
JVMI’s first Outreach in Zimbabwe launches an explosion of new Believers, leaders, and congregations among the Lemba Jewish people.
Jewish Voice celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Jewish Voice continues sharing the Gospel with Jewish people, by providing urgently needed humanitarian aid, along with planting Messianic congregations and educating Believers about the Jewish roots of faith in Jesus.