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Israel Surrounded by Conflict and The Rise of Global Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism has always existed in the world. From the very first attempt to destroy the Jews—Pharaoh’s murder of all the male Hebrew babies—to Herod’s order to kill all male babies under 2 years old two thousand years ago, the serpent’s scheme was to defeat God’s plan to bring forth the Messiah of Israel.

The campaign of hatred marches on because the great redemption story is not over. Because the Jewish People and Israel play a major role in Last Days prophecy, Satan is still hard at work opposing God’s plan.

For the minuscule size of the country, the lack of natural resources, or strategic seaport, one has to question why Israel is always at the center of world controversy—her existence continually hanging in the balance. The world has been told, and has almost mindlessly accepted, claims that all unrest in the Middle East is Israel’s fault—that if the Jews would give the Land “back to the Palestinians” there would be peace in the world and terrorism would end. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Scripture tells us there will be a final cataclysmic showdown in the Middle East among all nations (Joel 3:11-16). The nations may think they’re acting against Israel to bring peace, but their actions will be against Israel’s God.

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