For more than 50 years, Jewish Voice Ministries has had a clear and concise vision.
We exist to transform lives and see all Israel saved. Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel, grow the Messianic Jewish community and engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people.
Our heart for Israel and God’s Chosen People is the catalyst for Jewish Voice providing desperately needed humanitarian aid efforts through our Medical Outreaches in remote areas of the world—wherever descendants of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have been found.
While those efforts have taken us to Africa, India and beyond, some of our most urgent efforts are focused in the heart of Israel.
You’re probably already familiar with our ongoing Outreach to Holocaust survivors living in Israel. By providing eye care, free eyeglasses and extensive dental care, we are able to help hundreds of these precious survivors as a result of your generous support.
Get the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures: The Lord My Shepherd Book
Throughout Scripture, God presents Himself as a good shepherd who cares for His flock. He nurtures, protects, guides and comforts us. In this fifth volume of Jonathan Bernis’ Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series The Lord My Shepherd you’ll find breathtaking photographs alongside inspiring verses from the Old and New Covenants.
But you might not be aware just how wide our scope is of ongoing care in Israel.
We partner with and send funds monthly to more than 60 “boots on the ground” organizations in Israel to help those in need—and most of all, to help bring the Gospel to Jewish people living there.
Avi Mizrachi with Dugit Messianic Outreach is a dedicated Israeli follower of Jesus and just one of the dozens of Believers we work with on an ongoing basis in the Land.
Dugit Messianic Outreach takes its name from the Hebrew word for “little fishing boat.” It’s a reference to the small boats used in Israel for millennia, most famously by Peter and some of the other original followers of Jesus, who were fishermen when He called them to be His disciples. The name also serves as a reminder that even today we are called to be “fishers of men.”
Dugit Messianic Outreach is based in downtown Tel Aviv, where it functions as a center for street evangelism and distributes food for the hungry. Members of the team also provide Messianic materials in various languages and share through one-on-one evangelism the Good News that the Jewish Messiah of Israel has come.
Get the The Spring Feasts and Purim Book
You’ll learn the history and prophetic significance of each Spring Feast and the meaning it holds today for Believers in Yeshua. Holiday recipes will help you celebrate the Springs Feasts and Purim. Discover what God’s appointed times hold in store for you.
In Tel Aviv and beyond, The Living Israel Messianic Congregation, led by Gleb Samburski, is an organization of Russian-speaking Jewish Believers, mostly from the former Soviet Union, who have been together for more than 20 years. The congregation has experienced tremendous growth and now hosts meetings in Beer Sheva, Jerusalem, Haifa and many other communities throughout Israel. One of their initiatives is to help newly arrived immigrants. They also reach out to serve the sick and elderly.
In 2003, Living Israel opened the first center for those suffering with drug and alcohol addiction, bringing rehabilitation and restoration through a new life of faith in Jesus.
The needs are great throughout Israel. Our partner organizations there include teaching ministries and Bible schools, as well as those that address specific and immediate needs.
For instance, Israel has some of the world’s most liberal abortion laws. Several centers supported by Jewish Voice help women choose not to abort their babies and provide for the practical needs of those new mothers, from housing to medical care to equipment, such as cribs to diapers and baby food each month for a child’s first year of life.
We also work with centers that help women who are victims of domestic abuse or human trafficking. Other partner ministries reach out to members of the IDF, Israel’s army, or those who need employment and housing assistance.
In partnership with you, we support these ministries because they are making an incredible impact in Israel.
Get the Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures: The Lord My Shepherd Book
Throughout Scripture, God presents Himself as a good shepherd who cares for His flock. He nurtures, protects, guides and comforts us. In this fifth volume of Jonathan Bernis’ Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures series The Lord My Shepherd you’ll find breathtaking photographs alongside inspiring verses from the Old and New Covenants.
When you give to support Jewish Voice, you are partnering with us to “see all Israel saved.” And that purpose calls us to work beyond Israel’s borders as well.
We work with churches, ministries and Messianic congregations across the U.S. to educate Believers about the need to stand with Israel and bless God’s Chosen People. Their leaders are learning to proclaim the truth of God’s Word and His prophetic purposes for Israel in these Last Days.
Our ministry partners are mobilizing leaders and Believers to advance God’s Kingdom in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia.
Just one example is the Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation (KJMC), formed in 1995 as a result of Jonathan Bernis’ first Ukrainian Festival of Jewish Music and Dance through Hear O’ Israel! Ministries, as countries of the former Soviet Union were opening to the Gospel. These festivals reached tens of thousands of Jewish people, reacquainting them with their Jewish heritage and presenting the Good News of the Messiah. The festivals also reminded Christians that the Lord they serve is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
KJMC has since planted 12 Messianic congregations and ministers in more than a dozen cities in Ukraine and Russia. Intercession is an essential part of the life of KJMC. There are prayer meetings every night of the week devoted to intercession for Israel and other spiritual needs of the people in their area, Jewish and non-Jewish alike.
Get the The Spring Feasts and Purim Book
You’ll learn the history and prophetic significance of each Spring Feast and the meaning it holds today for Believers in Yeshua. Holiday recipes will help you celebrate the Springs Feasts and Purim. Discover what God’s appointed times hold in store for you.
In 2006, Jewish Voice provided essential funding to start a School of Messianic Leadership in Kiev that prepares leaders for the End-Time revival of the Jewish people.
None of this would be possible without your faithful prayers and financial support.
1. Please pray now for:
- The ministries that Jewish Voice partners with and supports in Israel and around the world to flourish and be effective in their kingdom mandates.
- The peace of Jerusalem, as we are commanded to do in Psalm 122:6. Pray for God’s peace plan for Jew and Arab alike to be accomplished through the Prince of Peace.
- The salvation of the Jewish people everywhere. This salvation can only be found in Jesus the Messiah, for He is “the only name given under Heaven by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
- The establishment of God’s Kingdom, which can only occur when Yeshua our Messiah and King comes to reign and rule forever.
2. Please consider giving now to continue to help make all these essential ministries and outreaches possible.
When you support Jewish Voice, you are linking hands and joining hearts with like-minded Believers all over the world to proclaim the Gospel, grow the Messianic community, and engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people.
God hasn’t changed His mind about Israel, and neither have we. We are more committed than ever to follow the mandate and mission we have received. Are you ready to play a larger role in this important work?
Please send the best gift you can today to make a GLOBAL IMPACT with Jewish Voice Ministries.
The need remains urgent. The enemies of Israel aren’t stopping. Israel continues to face challenges to her existence every day. This is the time to send a clear message that we stand with Israel and the Jewish people.