Violet was guided by her daughter-in-law as they walked through our Medical Outreach in Mudanda, Zimbabwe. They gratefully received basic medical care from our team in the field. But Violet still couldn’t see. A tragic accident had stolen Violet’s eyesight a few years ago. And she’d given up hope of seeing the faces of those she loved ever again. The damage to her eyes was too severe. No amount of surgery would work. Violet would have no choice but to live in darkness …
After leaving the Medical Tent, Violet and her daughter-in-law were invited to visit our Prayer Tent to receive spiritual counsel and care. Violet was quiet and withdrawn, almost as if protecting herself. She had so many unanswered questions. She didn’t understand her suffering. She didn’t understand why she had been robbed of her eyesight. Or why she felt so empty inside. As the prayer team started praying for Violet, she wondered if there was a God who was even listening …
Miracle in the Prayer Tent
The prayer team asked God to remove all the effects and trauma Violet had experienced from her accident. And He heard. But more than that, God did the unthinkable. Suddenly, in the midst of praying, Violet’s eyes grew wide with shock. And she jumped up exclaiming she could see. Violet clapped her hands and broke into a dance of joy. Where she was once quiet and withdrawn, Violet was now filled with hope and wonder.
The Gospel demonstrated in power
The entire team praised God for His amazing miracle of grace. And shared with Violet the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus). Both Violet and her daughter-in-law received Jesus as their Messiah. They also filled out cards requesting to receive follow-up visits and vital spiritual care from the local Messianic congregation so they could grow strong in the Word of God and become firmly established in their new faith. And then, they were … BAPTIZED!
This is why your support is so important
Through God’s power and your support, lives are transformed through Jewish Voice Medical Outreaches. Violet’s miraculous story of faith and healing is just one example of thousands that demonstrate the impact of your support. Some people are physically healed from long-term afflictions. Others receive the spiritual healing that comes from a first-time relationship with Yeshua. Our Medical Outreaches are practical ways to demonstrate the love of Jesus to people who need it the most.
All these are made possible by you and the many other generous partners who pray for this ministry and give to multiply our efforts, so that even more Jewish people and their neighbors can be reached with help, healing and hope. Thank you!