The angel answered … ‘Do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Yeshua who was crucified. Come, see the place where He was lying.’”
―Matthew 28:5-6
They came bearing spices. Grief-stricken, the women wished to honor their Lord, Yeshua (Jesus).
When they arrived at the tomb, the earth shook and a blindingly bright light appeared. The Roman guards trembled and then collapsed as if dead.
“Do not fear,” an angel told the women. “He is not here. He has risen, just as He said.” They looked at the enormous stone that had been rolled away and saw the open chamber.
“Remember what He told you,” the angel continued, “When He was still in Galilee saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be executed, and on the third day rise up?” The women hurried away to tell the disciples.
Their words seemed like nonsense to the men. Even so, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb. John followed. When he arrived, Peter went right inside to see for himself.
Except for the grave clothes, which had been wrapped around Yeshua’s lifeless body just three days before, the burial place was empty!
Peter went home marveling. You will too.
Celebrate Israel 2019 Tour
May 27‒June 6, 2019
where you'll visit the Garden Tomb
and many other inspiring biblical sites
“It is beyond words how it’s going to impact your life in positive ways. The Lord wants to meet you there in a special way. You’re going to return with a richness you’ll not get anywhere else.”
“My whole life, I wanted to go to the Holy Land to see with my very own eyes where the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, performed all His miracles. This experience increased my faith in the risen Lord and Savior Yeshua and brought me such a love for the Jewish people and their neighbors. I was so blessed to go with Jewish Voice Ministries International, and I learned so much from the teachings!”
―D. Nelson
“In Israel, I saw my faith confirmed in a way that is different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Israel awakens something in you that deepens your faith. It fed my spirit and gave me greater confidence; I can speak more boldly about my faith to anyone now.”
―E. N.