When we went to Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, for the first time last year, the cry of our hearts was "Light of Messiah, shine in Debre Birhan!"
Thanks to your faithful prayers, we experienced a beautiful example of that when a young blind man, Meseret, received spiritual revelation and accepted Yeshua as Savior. In this region of spiritual darkness, each one who receives the Lord is adding to the light God is shedding across the whole area. Will you pray with us for this Outreach? Please join us in praying for many more people to be drawn out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of Light as we return to Debre Birhan for our first 2018 Medical Outreach, March 15 through 25.

Here’s how to pray, day by day. Please intercede for:
Wednesday, March 7 through Wednesday, March 14 – Hosea 10:12
Debre Birhan, which has the third largest population of Ethiopian Orthodox. Pray for an openness on the part of leaders and adherents to the Good News we bring
God’s grace to enable us to have every permission, document and logistic in place well ahead of time, with great favor on the spiritual nature of our purpose in coming
A special anointing on each of our staff team members, some of whom are filling specific roles for the first time on this Outreach
Thursday, March 15 – Psalm 18:33, TLV
Good health and every aspect of travel preparations to come together with ease for our Outreach Partners
Strength and energy that lasts all week in every area: spiritual, physical and emotional
Protection over our partners' families, jobs, and all that pertains to them while they are away from home ministering; and the same protection for our staff team members and their families
Friday, March 16 – Ephesians 2:10
Smooth travel connections and all luggage and contents to arrive in perfect condition at the same time and place as their owners
The Lord to continue to speak vision and purpose to each participant, reminding them that He has called them for such a time as this
The renewing power of celebrating Shabbat together as well as a good night's sleep to enable everyone to start the Outreach well rested
Saturday, March 17 – Psalm 16:6
Effective orientation so that everyone is well equipped and ready to participate
Conducive Clinic location (on the outskirts of the city) and weather (pray for no rain) making it easy for many to come and receive care
The Clinic to be fully prepared and stocked for welcoming the first patients
Sunday, March 18 – John 17:22
Continued unity among every participant and spiritual readiness to graciously face cultural contrasts, different living conditions and various spiritual dynamics
Discernment in acquiring a full team of local workers who will give their all with great attitudes and hard work
The Lord to prepare every heart in the region with openness to receive the Good News, without opposition
Strong and lasting favor from key leaders and people of influence. May this favor open doors and may they come to Yeshua themselves!
Monday, March 19 – James 5:16
Worship and intercession to flow each day during the team’s morning prayer and worship times , creating a canopy of praise that pushes back darkness
Persistence in prayer to vanquish opposition in the spiritual realms, resulting in captives set free
Strongholds to be broken in individuals, families and the region as we again cry, "Light of Messiah, come to Debre Birhan!"
Tuesday, March 20 – Luke 1:37
That new Believers are encouraged and equipped to grow in Yeshua as they receive discipleship materials
Healing through medical as well as miraculous means for the many, many patients we will see
Deliverance from oppression of all kinds, leading to salvation and freedom
Wednesday, March 21 – Psalm 146:8
The presence of the Lord to be very real during the special evening of worship and prayer tonight for our whole team
That the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, would minister to each one who is so faithfully ministering to others all week
Healing of both spiritual blindness and physical eye issues, which are extremely common in the area
Thursday, March 22 – Ephesians 4:11-12
The local congregation to receive powerful ministry from the Lord while we are there, especially today
That the Beta Abraham Jewish people would come to Yeshua and walk in the fullness of their identity as Believers in the Messiah
That leaders in the local congregations will be encouraged and prepared to receive new members as the result of the Outreach
Friday, March 23 – Isaiah 26:3
A wonderful and shalom-filled last day as the Clinic ends, and may the Lord do miracles for any we are unable to treat
Protection of people, equipment and supplies as we take down and pack up
That the celebration of Shabbat together brings new revelation of gratitude and rest in what the Lord has done
Saturday, March 24 – Proverbs 2:8
For a renewing day of transition as Partners share testimonies and the Lord is glorified
Safe travels for each team member as their time in Ethiopia concludes and flights home begin
Shalom upon “re-entry” into everyday life for each team member and Outreach Partner
Sunday, March 25 – Psalm 104:31
For a strong presence of the Lord to remain and reign in this region and in the Believers in Yeshua
Protection from persecution and opposition for all who believe in Him
That local congregations will be built up as they begin integrating and discipling the new Believers
Let’s pray:
LORD, we know there is a lot of spiritual and physical blindness in this region of Ethiopia. Your love, expressed through medical care, miracles and the Good News of Yeshua is the only antidote for darkness. Will You do through us what we cannot do ourselves, as we come to Debre Birhan to love in Your name? As we watch Your love illuminate this people and region, open our own eyes and hearts for Your glory. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN
Help cover Debre Birhan in prayer so God’s light will shine!