Our Future Dwelling
“I also heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling of God is among men, and He shall tabernacle among them. They shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them and be their God.’”
––Revelation 21:3
When Israel wandered in the wilderness, they lived in temporary housing. God was leading them to the Land He promised to give them. There they would settle in and live in permanent residences. God instituted the Feast of Tabernacles to remind Jewish people throughout their generations of the tents of the temporary homes their ancestors lived in during their sojourn with Him to their real home.
The apostle Paul wrote that our bodies are merely temporary housing during our sojourn with God on Earth. We dwell with Him now through His Spirit in us, but one day we will enter into the “Promised Land” of Heaven on Earth, our true home, to which God is leading all of human history.
Our earthly journey includes turmoil, sin, disease, pain and sorrow. But someday, we will live in a world where all of the dark, sour, bent and broken things of this life will be gone. The crooked will be made straight, and all will be good and pure.
Jesus promised us that He was leaving to prepare a place for us. And He will soon come to complete that preparation so we can experience His fullness in a way we never will in this unredeemed world. No more temporary structures for our souls. We will take up permanent residence in incorruptible bodies just as He has promised us.
That is our certain future for which we eagerly wait. We abide today in our “tents” with the exciting anticipation of the eternal nature of our future dwelling place. What joy awaits us!
“For we know that if the tent, our earthly home, is torn down, we have a building from God—a home not made with human hands, eternal in the heavens.”
––2 Corinthians 5:1
“But in keeping with His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.”
––2 Peter 3:13
“In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?”
––John 14:2
Dwelling with God amid COVID-19
The threat of COVID-19 will diminish one day, and we will again dwell with God by our side in more familiar lifestyles. Carry with you the things He has taught you during this time of uncertainty, fear, lockdowns and isolation. And never lose sight of the exciting promise of our eternal future when we are wholly at home, dwelling with God in perfect fellowship. Rejoice, for it’s a sure thing!