There’s nothing like a global pandemic to disrupt the best-made plans. We had scheduled four Medical Outreaches for 2020. Our first was cut short by local opposition, and then, coronavirus struck. Throughout the months of travel restrictions, we turned our focus more to the Israel ministries that your gifts to Jewish Voice support, helping them address the increased ministry demands there.
With your help, we were also determined to do what we could in Africa amid COVID’s complicating factors. And God made the way.
After some cancellations, postponements and rearrangements, we were excited to conduct two Outreaches in the Fall. Due to travel conditions, only a few staff joined local teams to oversee and carry out the ministry made possible through your generosity.
Dawro, Ethiopia is in the country’s Southern Nations region and where we held our first Outreach under COVID-19 restrictions. Patients were required to wear masks and sanitize their hands as soon as they entered the Clinic.
The spiritual care ministry was a little different, as well. Due to last-minute circumstances, our partner congregation couldn’t work with us, but God provided pastors from nearby evangelical churches to serve as chaplains. They led 39 people to the Lord.
Here’s a glance at the number of lives you helped change in Dawro.
Dawro, Ethiopia
Medical Outreach
- 8,232 patients were served, including:
- 2,200 people received eyeglasses
- 750 people received dental care
- 113 had eye surgery for cataracts or trachoma
- 94 patients underwent minor surgeries
- 3 babies were born
- Clean Water Project
- 400 people received personal LifeStraws®
- 70 families received larger Family LifeStraw® units
- 2 community LifeStraw® units were given
- Spiritual Care Ministry
- 39 people came to faith in Jesus as Messiah
In Zimbabwe, you also made an enormous difference in the lives of people in five different regions. Due to COVID-19 and Government restrictions limiting large gatherings, we teamed up with local congregations and conducted a number of small events. Through your gifts, we distributed food and shared the Gospel in five locations.
Food Distribution and Gospel
Buhera, Chitsungo, Gutu, Masvingo and Mberengwa
- Distributed essential items, 20,000kgs (44,000lbs) of rice, and 40,000kgs (88,000lbs) of cornmeal
- Over 3110 households received food
- Each food recipient also heard the Gospel message
- 75 people placed their faith in Jesus
- Local Believers listened to an inspiring message about our mighty spiritual “weapons”
- Local leaders encouraged Believers to remember to bless others and share both food and the Gospel with their neighbors
Your support of Jewish Voice made all of this powerful ministry possible. God is working through you to bring life-changing (and in some cases, life-saving!) food, medical care and eternal life to the people of Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. Thank you!