“And answering, the King will say to them, ‘Amen, I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
-Matthew 25: 40 (TLV)
Our weeklong Medical Outreaches provide medical aid and spiritual care to thousands of people in rural African Jewish communities. Due to limited health care access in these communities, our Medical Clinics often provide the only opportunity for people to be treated by a medical practitioner all year.
You could be a part of bringing critical medical care to these suffering people, as well as the life-changing Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).
In October, we will return to Ethiopia for our final Outreaches of 2018. FromOct. 4-13 we will be in Alamata followed by a 3-day specialty dental and eye care Outreach in Jijiga from Oct. 13-17. Both of these Outreaches are at new locations and we anticipate large crowds.
For Alamata especially, we need volunteers to help in line management. We could also use more physicians, pediatricians, dermatologists and gynecologists.
Ready to join us? Watch this short video to see how the Outreaches change lives.
For more details about the October Medical Outreaches in Alamata and Jijiga, click the button below.