I’m writing with wonderful news about how you can share help, healing and hope with even more Jewish people.
Thanks to a $150,000 matching gift provided by several supporters, whatever you give now will be DOUBLED!
You read that right. Your gift by Friday, November 30, will be matched – dollar for dollar – to reach TWICE as many Jewish people with physical healing AND the opportunity to know the hope of Yeshua (Jesus).
When you give, you’ll not only bring physical healing to Jewish people. You’ll also provide the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) as our Messiah and Redeemer who wants to save all who turn to Him, especially my Jewish people.

Reach more Jewish people now!
I pray the gift-multiplying potential of these matching funds will inspire you to stand with us generously right now to make a life-transforming – and even life-saving – difference for a Jewish person like Birtukan, who came to visit our Medical Clinic in Enfranz, Ethiopia.
On the first day of the Clinic, about 2,000 people lined up, each hoping for treatment. Because it was a short day, we were able to help only about 500 of them.
While that’s an amazing effort, to be sure, it’s shocking to see the extent of the need. As the day went on, the lines packed in tighter and tighter in the hope of getting help, showing the genuine desperation.
Birtukan’s story
Among those who came was a woman named Birtukan, which means “orange flower.” She told us that, because she’s Jewish, she has suffered terrible persecution. She has not only been rejected by her community but physically beaten.
Her neighbors don’t trust her and accuse her of having “the evil eye” – the ability to cause bad things to happen. It’s a common superstition in the area.
Birtukan came to one of our Clinics because she’d been turned away from the hospital in Ethiopia, an hour away. She was desperate for help.
After an exam and a promise to help, the team invited her to visit our nearby Prayer Tent, where she shared more of her sad story. One of our counselors shared the Good News with her and, praise God, she accepted Jesus as her Messiah!
Thankfully, we were able to perform surgery on Birtukan to fix her failing vision. Her father told us her vision had improved dramatically. They were so thankful and blessed us for what we had done for her.
I want to extend their blessing to you and so many other partners in this work. Thank you – thank you! – for your support. You’re healing bodies and sharing the saving love of Jesus with His people in Ethiopia and so many other desperate lands.
We need to continue praying for and ministering to Birtukan. She’s been told her husband, a non-Believer, will leave her if she doesn’t renounce Yeshua.
But so many more like Birtukan need help. Since they have little money for health care, free treatment and medicine are a dream. Most of us, living comfortably as we do, can’t even relate to this kind of need.
Give more help, more healing, more hope
In the coming months, Jewish Voice hopes to invest $3,663,295.70 in Medical Clinics across Africa. Our goal is to provide medical, eye and dental care for 60,000 Jewish people just like Birtukan, who struggle to survive in the face of persecution and the worst living conditions you and I can imagine.
Many have no way to get care. So they just go without, allowing minor health issues, easily treated here in the West, to become serious, and even life-threatening.
By working together, we can prevent this. To not take action would be a terrible injustice to these people. So I’m looking to you and other partners to help with the cost of supplies, equipment, and travel for our team of medical professionals, support staff and volunteers.
Don't miss this rare chance to DOUBLE your gift now
It costs just $30 to provide one Jewish person with humanitarian aid AND the opportunity to hear the Good News.
That means – with the matching funds – your gift will be automatically DOUBLED to help TWO people.
So please give as generously as you can, knowing your gift will reach TWICE as many people.
And when you give, please know that you’ll not only bring physical healing to Jewish people but also the Good News of Yeshua as Messiah and Redeemer.
We’re planning our next Medical Outreaches right now. Won’t you please send your most generous gift possible to provide both physical and spiritual care?