A few weeks ago, our Vice President of Global Outreach spoke to the Jewish Voice Ministries staff about the open doors before us and the opposition we face. He referenced 1 Corinthians 16:9, which says, "for a great door has opened wide for me, though many are in opposition" (TLV). He underscored not only the great outcomes we’ve had but also some of the big challenges we have faced on recent Outreaches.
He asked us to pray that the Lord will make us ready as we work to prepare the way for Him in the many places to which He calls us. He gave us five points of preparation. Let’s make them five points of prayer, with Scripture, to stir our faith.
The need is great. The call is urgent. And we must be ready. Join us in praying: LORD, PREPARE US as we prepare the way!
Promises: Lord, help us to know Your promises for Israel and the Jewish people. We need to know what You have said so we can join You in what You have promised to do.
⇒ Isaiah 55:11, Isaiah 62, Romans 11:25‒27, Hebrews 8:10
Prayer: Lord, we must be "prayed up." We must fill the reservoir of prayer to receive answers from You and heavenly assistance to be dispatched when we need it. Prayer is the foundation of our preparation.
⇒ Colossians 4:2‒4, Luke 18:1, Hebrews 4:16, James 5:16‒18
Perseverance: Lord, strengthen us to persevere when circumstances might cause us to want to give up. We can do all things through the Messiah who strengthens us.
⇒ James 1:2‒4, 12, Philippians 1:6, Romans 12:12, Hebrews 12:1‒2
Priorities: May we always seek to be rightly aligned with You, putting You first and seeing all else fall in line with You.
⇒ Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 6:5, Colossians 1:16‒18
Perceive: We are completely dependent on the spiritual wisdom and discernment that comes from You, Lord. May we hear Your "yes" as well as Your "no" with equal clarity and be able to perceive Your timing regarding the places You are calling us to serve.
⇒ Philippians 1:9‒10, Psalm 119:66, John 16:13‒15
We pray: LORD, our cry is the same as Moses. Without Your presence, we dare not go. And without You preparing us, we will not be ready to go. Thank You for doing in us what we can't do for ourselves as we press in asking You to prepare us for the fields white for the harvest before us in many lands. To You be the glory. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.