Recently, almost 500 leaders of the Messianic Jewish Movement gathered from around the world for a time of refreshing, connecting and equipping. They came from several nations and more than 30 different states in the U.S., representing many ministries and congregations. Each person had opportunities to network with fellow leaders and hear from the Lord through worship, corporate teaching times and smaller, interactive discussion groups addressing timely topics.
At the end of their time together, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis exhorted each leader to choose one or two things from the gathering that impacted them most. He challenged them to take these points home and focus on them with the Lord.
Please pray with us that the themes brought forth during this time will produce real growth throughout the Messianic Jewish Movement and impact the world. Pray for these leaders to:
- Be challenged in their walk with the Lord and, in humility and transparency, seek Him for transformation
- Apply what they gleaned regarding operating from their strengths and fully relying on the Lord in the areas of relationships and leadership
- Learn from and work with other leaders, including women and young people who are blazing new trails in ministry
- Work together in humility as a united family of Believers as, with renewed passion, the Messianic Jewish Movement seeks to bless the families of the Earth according to God’s promise to Abraham
- Listen to the Lord for His timing and know when to close one season and move on to the next
- Nurture openness to “new wineskins” while remaining committed to seeing all Israel saved and the body of Messiah equipped and mobilized
- Be stirred by testimonies of the Lord’s faithfulness in the past and press into the Lord for a fresh global move of His Spirit in our day
- Be renewed in their calling, vision, hope, energy, relationships, resources and strategies
- Find tangible ways to engage, energize and mobilize others
Let’s pray: Lord, we believe that You are doing a new and expanding work in the Body of Messiah, and specifically in the leaders of the Messianic Jewish Movement. We pray that the real and lasting benefit they received at this gathering will grow and multiply. We also pray for each person represented by and associated with these leaders: their spouses and families, those they minister alongside, and those to which they minister and reach out. Cumulatively, this amounts to thousands and thousands of people touched and influenced through these men and women. May we see waves of revival spreading around the world because of what You are doing in these leaders ‒ for Your glory and the salvation of the Jewish people and the nations. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.