Scripture encourages us to make the most of every opportunity considering the times in which we live (Ephesians 5:16). In October, we are doing just that by visiting two separate areas in Ethiopia to conduct two different types of Medical Clinics, one right after the other. We will begin with an Outreach in Alamata and then travel to Jijiga for a shorter Clinic focused solely on dental and eye care.
Both areas are new to us, and these will be our first Clinics there. We know that despite these two different locations, each with their own setting, language and people group, the Lord knows and deeply loves each of the individuals who live there.
We are praying for a double blessing for this Outreach "double-header!" Would you multiply the prayer covering by adding your intercession to ours? Together we can make the most of this opportunity!
Would you like to be part of our hour-by-hour prayer covering for these strategic Clinics in Ethiopia?

Please pray with us for:
Wednesday, September 26–Wednesday, October 3 • Isaiah 40:3
All aspects of set-up to go smoothly and safely
Effective preparation of the local health clinic we are renting as well as additional tents to expand our ability to care for those who come
Last-minute details for both staff and Outreach Partners as they prepare to travel
Every permission, document and logistic in place well ahead of time, with great favor on the spiritual nature of why we come
Thursday, October 4 • Revelation 22:13
Good health and every aspect of travel preparations to come together with ease for our Outreach Partners
Timely flight connections with all luggage and Partners arriving together
Protection over our Partners’ families, jobs, and all that pertains to them while they are ministering away from home ‒ and the same protection for staff and their families
Friday, October 5 • Psalm 54:4 (NIV) Psalm 54:6 (TLV)
Sustained strength and energy in every area: spiritual, physical, emotional
Easy adjustments to new time zones, food and cultures in each location
The Lord to continue speaking vision and purpose to each participant, reminding them that He has called them for such a time as this
The renewing power found in celebrating Shabbat together as well as a good night's sleep to enable everyone to start the Alamata Outreach well rested
Saturday, October 6 • Colossians 3:23–24
Spiritual readiness for every participant regarding differences in culture, living conditions and various spiritual dynamics
Discernment in acquiring a full team of local workers who will give their all with great attitudes and hard work
The Lord to prepare every heart in the region with openness to receiving the Good News ‒ with no opposition
Sunday, October 7 • Luke 8:15
A great Orientation in which each participant comprehends the overall purpose and flow of the Alamata Medical Clinic along with their unique roles for the week
Strong and lasting favor from key leaders and people of influence: may it open doors and may they come to Yeshua themselves
Word to spread throughout the region and many to come for treatment, including today as the Clinic opens for a half day
Monday, October 8 • Colossians 3:16
Worship and prayer to flow each day during the team’s morning meeting times creating a canopy of praise that pushes back darkness
Persistence in prayer to vanquish opposition in the spiritual realms and set captives free
Strongholds to be broken in individuals, families and the region as we seek the Lord God Almighty on behalf of Alamata
Tuesday, October 9 • Matthew 15:30
Healing through both medical and miraculous means for the many patients we will see
Deliverance from oppression of all kinds leading to salvation and freedom
Blessings on the effectiveness of each area of care including medical, minor surgery, dental and eye surgery
Wednesday, October 10 • John 21:15
Strengthening of local Messianic Believers who will follow up with those who want to learn more about Yeshua (Jesus) after the Medical Clinic
The resurrection power of Yeshua to be manifest in us, through us and in every aspect of both these Clinics
Worship and prayer to lift the spirits of our team and banish the schemes of the enemy
Thursday, October 11 • Matthew 25:23
The many individuals in need of treatment this last day of the Alamata Medical Outreach
Protection of people and equipment as tents are taken down and supplies packed up
Each Partner to know the Lord’s delight in their labor of love

Friday, October 12 • Isaiah 47:4
A wonderful evening of Shabbat rest and joy as Partners and staff share fellowship and testimonies of all the Lord has done during the Clinic in Alamata
Safety as the team begins to travel again, some beginning the journey home and some traveling on to Jijiga
The Lord to command His heavenly host to watch over the Jijiga team, their travel and ministry there
Saturday, October 13 • Isaiah 54:17
The Jijiga team to walk in continued health, protection and spiritual fortitude as they adapt to this new area in northeastern Ethiopia
Clear and effective Orientation for this smaller Clinic specializing in dental and eye care only; safe and efficient set-up at the local facility we’ll be using
Ongoing favor from the surrounding community and region for the care we are providing
The Lord’s guidance as we serve these dear ones whom the world has forgotten but their Father has not
Sunday – Monday, October 14–15 • Matthew 9:36
Grace from the Lord to effectively meet the dental and eye care needs of the local Yibir (Hebrew) people and their neighbors and as we honor and connect with their leaders
The Lord’s power enabling us to make the most of this opportunity multiplying our efforts during these two full days of the JijigaClinic
The ability to see this people and region as the Lord does, receiving revelation of His heart and plans for them
Tuesday, October 16 • Deuteronomy 28:6
Anointing on this last half-day of the Clinic that will remain and bless long after we are gone
Successful and safe tear-down of the Clinic and all equipment
Safe travel, meaningful memories and sweet fellowship and testimonies as the Jijiga team departs and begins the long journey home
A residual blessing with no backlash for these two areas, those we ministered to and each one who served in these Clinics in Ethiopia
We pray:
Father, You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You know and love the people You have made, and You do not forget the work of Your hands. May you remember the precious Jewish people of Ethiopia ‒ and their neighbors ‒ by bringing healing and deliverance of every kind in the name of Yeshua! Amen.