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Prayer Points: Hear O' Israel Festival of Music and Dance

September 09, 2015


This is an Appointed Time

Two weeks ago, we sent you daily prayer targets for our Odessa, Ukraine, “Hear O’ Israel!” Festival of Jewish Music & Dance.  We pray you have been taking them to the Throne, as we have greatly needed His help!  He has been faithful to move this Festival forward, step by step, supernaturally at times, and we are so grateful.

As promised, here are the daily prayer targets for the days just before, during, and after the actual performances.  May the Lord break in and do MIGHTY THINGS among both the Jewish community and their neighbors through this Festival. Pray for signs and wonders to happen in Yeshua’s Name that will confirm His testimony. The Lord wants to bring in a HARVEST during these High Holy Days on the Jewish calendar. Pray for the Messianic community and all Believers to rise up and unite together in order to receive and tend quickly to that harvest.

The LORD moves mightily through specific, united prayer.  Thank you for your partnership through intercession!

Pray, Experience, and Celebrate!

Be a real part of ministry as a prayer warrior! We believe in the power of prayer and need you to respond to God's calling to bring the Gospel to His Chosen People with your prayers. Get new prayer updates in your inbox every two weeks! 

shutterstock_72038920Please pray:

Wednesday 09 September:  Set-Up Day

* For the technical Festival set-up.

* For a safe, unified, divinely-orchestrated, and TIMELY set-up according to plan –even BETTER THAN THE PLAN.

* For the safety of our equipment and personnel.

* For the performing artists as they finish their rehearsals.

Thursday 10 September:  Final Rehearsal Day

* For FAVOR with any special guests or officials who may attend rehearsals.

* For our Festival production staff specifically; they are working approximately 16-18 hours today to finalize set-up.

* For strength and joy for our whole team and all involved.

* For safety, security, and divine protection overall and favor with those who are watching over the Festival preparations, equipment, and team.

* For continued divine protection, physical health, and well-being for all the performing artists.

Friday 11 September:  Opening Day

* That the Lord will arise and bring victory over any opposition.


* For divine order at the entrance gates and security checkpoints.

shutterstock_80217019* For safety for the crowd and of the volunteers, and for divine calm to flood the entrance area.

* For shalom for the performers and an impactful, error-free opening performance.

* For RABBI JONATHAN BERNIS – that the message the Lord gives him to speak will penetrate hearts and leave people with a deep conviction of the love of God and their need for salvation.

* That the Lord would use Jonathan, as He used Peter and Paul, to speak to thousands about the Jewish Messiah and His resurrection power so that our People Israel might be saved!

* That as the words go forth, any anti-Semitic spirit would be broken off from the people of Odessa and that there would be repentance and godly sorrow over former atrocities committed or current persecution being perpetuated.

* That the people of Odessa would begin to bless the Lord and the Jewish People in their region so that they too might be blessed.

* For no difficulties or disruptions of ANY kind; and for Damascus Road encounters for any who are in disagreement.

* For divine orchestration of our complex program on two simultaneous stages, and that the Lord, as He did in Kiev last year, would “fill in the gaps” regarding any details we missed or ran out of time to rehearse.

Saturday 12 September:

* For strength for the outreach team and performers as they endure 10 hours of Festival today (two performances).

* That THOUSANDS will view the live webcast, and that HUNDREDS will recommit their lives to Yeshua through viewing the event.

* For the web feed of the Saturday performance to work perfectly in Yeshua’s name and bring joy and hope around the world!

Sunday 13 September:

* For continued health and refreshment for the team, renewal for each one present, and perseverance to press into the Lord for GREAT THINGS even to the very end of the last performance.

* That, as the sun sets on Sunday evening and the shofars BLOW for ROSH HASHANAH, the holiness and PRESENCE OF THE LORD would flood the entire Opera Theater and outdoor plaza. That a divine hush would fall, and people would EXPERIENCE the Lord on His appointed time—His moed—of the Feast of Trumpets. Pray for a holy shout to arise in the plaza and break off demonic strongholds in the city to usher in a season of revival, repentance, and reconciliation to the Lord in Odessa.

shutterstock_104407271Monday 14 September: ROSH HASHANAH

* For safety for all artists and outreach partners on planes, roads, trains, and other transportation as they return home.

* For divine protection and refreshment as they travel.

* For the ability to walk in readiness and shalom during this particular holy season.

* That all those who attended the Festival will continue to pursue the Lord.  May their hearts be good soil for the seed to take root and grow!

* Finally, for all those who will come alongside and nurture the new life in Yeshua springing up within the people.

Our hearts are full of awe, sobriety, and joy at the prospect of our great God unfolding His plans and purposes in Odessa.  It is a kairos moment, an appointed time, and a day of salvation.  Come, Yeshua, and make Yourself known!

Thank you for your prayers!



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