We are headed to a new-to-us community in Zimbabwe for a full-scale Medical Outreach to the Lemba Jewish people and their neighbors. Our Global Outreach Director, Eric Pires, senses that this region is a blank canvas on which we will see the Lord do wonderful things. We are asking you to help us break new ground through your prayers.
Ways to Pray
We invite you to use the daily prayer guide below as you pray. And please commit to a specific time slot to pray from home during the Outreach. SIGN UP on our Prayer Schedule, referring to the dates below.
Here are the ways you can pray for this new Zimbabwe Outreach, November 2–12.
Before the Outreach
The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
— Isaiah 40:3 (NKJV)
Now through Wednesday, November 1 | Isaiah 40:3
- That all preparations are fully in place, such as VISAS, medical supplies, campsite, Clinic readiness, team unity and community relationships
- For the word to get out in the community regarding the Medical Clinic so that right from the start on Sunday, November 5, we will serve as many as possible each day
- The Lord to prepare the way through favor with local officials and community leaders
- Spiritual forces of darkness to flee, making way for the King of Glory to come with salvation, healing and deliverance as the spiritual atmosphere and the hearts of the people are prepared
Thursday-Friday, November 2–3

Pray, Experience, and Celebrate!
Be a real part of ministry as a prayer warrior! We believe in the power of prayer and need you to respond to God's calling to bring the Gospel to His Chosen People with your prayers. Get new prayer updates in your inbox every two weeks!
- Protection, health, safety and favor as our team and partners prepare and travel
- For all their family members back home and all that pertains to them as they serve
- Smooth travel and all luggage to arrive on time in good condition
- Safe travels, especially during the six to seven-hour drive to the Clinic location
- Fellowship and unity to begin and deepen during these first few days, including the Erev Shabbat dinner on Friday night
Saturday, November 4
- All medical resources to be fully set up and ready for patients in the government clinic we will be using
- Training and orientations for the medical and dental personnel, as well as Outreach and prayer partners, to be clear and effective
- The Lord to oversee the weather throughout the week – it is the start of the rainy season and will likely be hot during the day and cool at night
During the Outreach
“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”
— Luke 4:18
- There is already a small Messianic Jewish congregational plant in the area. Pray for growth as a result of this Outreach
- We will be digging a well in the community – may it be a hub not only of physical water but also for the Good News of the Living Water, Yeshua (Jesus)
Sunday, November 5
- For all to be in place and for a smooth “opening day” as we begin to serve the community Sunday, with many being quick to come and receive care so our lines are full all week
- Local workers, chosen by the Lord, to not only be a blessing as they serve but to be blessed and saved
- Many from the community to come for care and receive salvation as well
- The Word to go forth swiftly, accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders
Monday, November 6
- The Lord to give our team wisdom, favor, discernment, and protection regarding any local or unique factors pertaining to this location, conditions, or time frame, including some darker elements in the local spiritual climate
- Great unity, love and fellowship among all team members and partners that testifies of Yeshua to all in the community
- For the Messianic Jewish Believers who will be speaking with and praying for people in the Spiritual Care Tent
- That the Zehra Kids Program will leave a lasting and eternal impact on the children and families of the community through truth, joy, salvation and love
Tuesday, November 7
- For the wonderful and weighty presence of the Lord to anoint and refresh our whole team during daily morning prayer times
- Divine encounters in the community leading to openness to the Good News and many salvations
- The mighty protection of the Lord to cover the entire Outreach and all involved from any spiritual or natural interference
- Spiritual strength and stamina for our team and partners, renewed by intimacy with the Lord, the daily prayer times and worship service
Wednesday, November 8
- Glorious worship times with the Lemba choir, bringing renewal to the team, delighting the Lord, and sending the powers of darkness to flight
- The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and the ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Effective medical and dental care and healing to take place, including supernaturally as a testimony of God’s power and love
Thursday, November 9
- The ability to treat as many patients as possible on the last day of the Outreach
- Order and shalom to reign as local workers are paid and the patient lines are closed
- Safety and efficiency in closing the Clinic and packing up equipment and supplies
Friday, November 10
- A relaxing day celebrating all the Lord has done and ending the week in fellowship with one another
- Each one to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
- A blessed Erev Shabbat dinner with testimonies of the Lord’s goodness
After the Outreach
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.
— Philippians 1:4–6
Saturday–November 11–12 and beyond
- Safe travels home
- A special outpouring of grace for everyone who served by honoring the Lord and loving the community through this Outreach
- The Lord to continue breaking ground for the Good News of Yeshua in the region, bringing a great movement of His Holy Spirit among these dear people
- Effective and timely follow-up to all who want to hear more about Jesus
- The Lord to continue establishing His Kingdom in Zimbabwe and developing healthy congregations
Let’s Pray