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Prayer Points: We’re heading into an area of hardship

May 22, 2024

Heading Into an Area of Hardship We Need Your Prayers

As we reach out to Jewish people, the Lord often sends Jewish Voice Ministries into areas experiencing hardships such as drought, poverty, and tribal conflicts. The people there have lived, and are often still living, through the impact of traumatic events. We are humbled that He entrusts us to bring love and care to those in such heart-breaking circumstances.

We’re heading to one such location in Northern Ethiopia very soon, where waves of violence and the ensuing problems have taken great tolls on the people there for the last several years. We need your prayers for the Lord to light our path with His protection and enable us to be a light and testimony to His abundant love and salvation through both word and deed.

Your prayers will be crucial and key to our team’s safety and effectiveness and for the transformation of those we go to help!

Ways to Pray

Here’s how you can make a difference with your prayers:

  • Use the detailed DAY-BY-DAY Prayer Points below to pray along with us before, during and after the Outreach
  • You can also commit to a specific time slot to pray for us from home during the Outreach. SIGN UP HERE on our Prayer Schedule, referring to the dates below.

Here are ways you can pray regarding this Outreach:

Before the Outreach

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

— Isaiah 40:3 NKJV

Wednesday, May 22 – Saturday, June 1

  • That all preparations come together and fall entirely in place, such as VISAS, medical supplies, Clinic site readiness, team unity and community relationships
  • Protection, health, safety and favor as our team and partners prepare, travel, serve throughout the Outreach week and return home
  • Effective training for all areas of the Outreach
  • Spiritual forces of darkness to flee, making way for the King of Glory to come with salvation, healing and deliverance as God prepares the spiritual atmosphere and the hearts of the people

During the Outreach

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

Luke 4:18

“Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God.

Isaiah 40:1

Sunday, June 2

  • An effective first day of ministry as the Clinic opens mid-morning
  • Word about the Clinic to spread, which is so important in a new location, and many to come for treatment and care
  • Local workers hired to be fully aligned with Jewish Voice’s desire to bless their community
  • The presence of unity, humility and effective communication throughout the week
  • Comfort for our team members and partners as they hear about and see evidence of the trauma people in this area have endured

Monday, June 3

  • Favor from local leaders and community members before during and after the Outreach
  • That we would bless not only those who come for care but also that the Believers in the area will be refreshed and encouraged in their faith by our visit to their region
  • The Lord to move powerfully through the Gospel and the ministry of the Holy Spirit
  • Holy-Spirit-led healing from trauma in a region where everyone has experienced so much

Tuesday, June 4

  • The Lord to bring our team wisdom, favor, discernment and protection regarding any local or unique factors regarding this location, the conditions or timeframe
  • Spiritual strength and stamina for our team, renewed by intimacy with the Lord and fellowship with one another
  • Effective medical and dental care and healing to take place, including supernaturally as a testimony of God’s power and love

Wednesday, June 5

  • The local congregation we are partnering with to have a wonderful spiritual impact on everyone in the region
  • LifeStraw® water filter distribution to make a real difference in people’s health
  •  The Lord to work powerfully, bringing about the transformation of hearts and communities in Ethiopia

Thursday, June 6

  • Many salvations and healings and the ability to treat as many patients as possible on the last day of the Outreach
  • Order and shalom to reign as local workers are paid, the patient lines are closed and the Outreach ends
  • Safety and efficiency in closing the Clinic and packing equipment and supplies

After the Outreach

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of [Messiah] Jesus.

 Philippians 1:6

Friday, June 7 and onward  

  • The Lord to minister to our team and partners and bring them comfort as they leave this hurting region
  • Effective follow-up by the local congregation for those who want to learn more
  • The Lord to continue mightily working in this troubled region, building up the Believers and bringing ongoing healing, salvation and deliverance
  • May a new congregation be established, protected, and become a beacon of light and life to the region

Let’s Pray

Abba, our hearts are crying out to you for the Jewish people to whom you are sending us in Northern Ethiopia. They and their neighbors have been through so much. May desperately needed medical care to heal their bodies, but – Oh, Lord! – may the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) and the ministry of the Holy Spirit bring salvation and deep healing to their whole lives. Heal their wounds and heal their land, in Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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