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Prayer Points: Will you agree with us in prayer?

July 17, 2024

Equipping and Inspiring Messianic Jewish Leaders in Africa

Your prayers are still needed for our current Zimbabwe Medical Outreach, but will you also agree with us in praying for our upcoming Messianic Leadership Training programs in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe?

Several of our key leaders, Messianic rabbis, will serve at the Zimbabwe Outreach and then travel to Ethiopia and back to Zimbabwe to conduct these leadership trainings. The program is specifically designed for leaders of the Messianic Jewish congregations with which we are aligned in those nations. It will be an excellent time of teaching and impartation.

Please use our 24-7 Prayer Watch calendar to sign up to pray from home for these critical times of instruction and relationship building, happening Sunday, July 21, through Tuesday, July 30, including travel days.

The program helps congregational leaders both theologically and practically. At the leaders' request, a key element in this year’s Messianic Leadership Training will focus on ways to incorporate Jewish identity and legacy into the lives of individual Jewish Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) and the beliefs and practices of their congregations.

Here are some specific ways you can pray:

  • Health, safe travels, and protection of all kinds, including for our traveling rabbis’ families at home
  • The Lord to prepare the leaders’ hearts to receive a new level of understanding and revelation regarding effectively leading Messianic Jewish congregations
  • The anointing of the Holy Spirit on the teaching, on every word that is spoken and received
  • Dynamic teaching times that will encourage, excite, and equip
  • The leaders to experience a deeper and richer connection with the people of Israel as a result and with Yeshua, the Messiah, who personifies the God of Israel
  • The leaders to leave with hearts stirred, many questions answered, and a fresh anointing on ways they can take their congregations deeper into theology, practice and life in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus

Let’s Pray

Lord, the leaders of the many small congregations of Messianic Jewish Believers in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe are groundbreakers and trailblazers. They are part of a growing movement in their nations as they lead Jewish Believers in following Yeshua according to their Jewish identity. What exciting times! Your Spirit is moving and stirring Your Chosen People to learn and grow in You. Bless our teaching rabbis and all those who will be trained by them as well as all those that the leaders will go on to disciple and equip. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

DON’T FORGET: Join us in praying for the last portion of our Zimbabwe, Outreach. See the dated Prayer Points here.

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