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Prayer Points: Would you pray for Messianic Jewish congregational leaders?

July 27, 2022


We love reaching out in Africa, and our week-long Medical Clinics are only the beginning. We are so grateful for the diverse opportunities the Lord has opened for us to ensure that those who come to Him experience rich and full lives as Believers in Yeshua the Messiah.

That’s why we nurture our relationships with the Messianic Jewish congregations and their leaders in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Two of the most significant ways we do this are through Messianic Leadership Training times and Congregational Visits. Here are some updates on both.

We sent out a Prayer Points email this past spring asking you to pray for the Messianic Leadership Training we held, first in Zimbabwe and then in Ethiopia. You prayed, and the Lord answered. Below are praises as well as some requests coming out of those trips:

  • The trip was safe, and the training was very effective
  • Relationships were taken to a new level
  • The Torah service in Zimbabwe was a deeply meaningful and joy-filled experience for all
  • The Q&A times between our two U.S. rabbis and the African leaders were very interactive, with great questions asked and answered
  • The guest speaker who joined us in Ethiopia delivered teachings directly in Amharic, with no need for a translator
  • Our training team came back rejoicing over all the Lord had done and grateful for the prayers you sowed into their time with the Messianic congregational leaders


Pray, Experience, and Celebrate!

Be a real part of ministry as a prayer warrior! We believe in the power of prayer and need you to respond to God's calling to bring the Gospel to His Chosen People with your prayers. Get new prayer updates in your inbox every two weeks! 

The next significant ministry trip is beginning now – our Congregational Visits. We go to Ethiopia July 26–31 and to Zimbabwe July 31–August 7. Our Vice-President of Congregation and Leadership Development will travel to a number of Messianic Jewish congregations, participating in services and fellowship times. There will also be purposeful opportunities for in-depth conversations on leadership challenges and issues of congregational life. He is asking us to pray for:

  • Safety in all travel, good health and protection
  • Effective ministry times
  • Discernment in assisting congregational leaders in strategic ministry decisions
  • Wisdom for expanding trust within indigenous leadership teams
  • Continued unity within national congregational movements in both countries

Let’s also continue praying for the Messianic Jewish congregations themselves. Pray for:


  • Appointment of new Vice Overseers among the Lemba National Messianic Leadership Council
  • Leaders to provide continued depth of discipleship for their congregants
  • Demonstration of the diversity of spiritual gifts among all congregational members


  • National unity among the Messianic congregational groups – including two new ones
  • Unity of spirit within leadership teams
  • Effective interfacing with the Church locally, regionally and nationally

Thank You for Praying

As you come before the Lord in prayer for these congregations and our ministry to them, you are engaged in building up His body and advancing the Kingdom. Thank you for praying with us.

Log on to our 24/7 Prayer Watch Schedule to commit to a specific time to pray during the Congregational Visits in Africa. Thank you!

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Pray, Experience, and Celebrate!

Be a real part of ministry as a prayer warrior! We believe in the power of prayer and need you to respond to God's calling to bring the Gospel to His Chosen People with your prayers. Get new prayer updates in your inbox every two weeks! 

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