Many of the Jewish people and others that we serve on Jewish Voice Ministries’ Medical Outreaches are live in rural settings without access to medical care or modern conveniences.
Family members bring to us loved ones seated in burro-drawn carts and wheelbarrows, carried on their backs or lying on homemade stretchers. Some of the stretchers are more refined than others. The one below is made from two metal pipes and woven meshing.
More often, we see stretchers made of goat skins stretched between two branches and covered with blankets like the one below.
Last week in Enfranz, Ethiopia, we also saw several people brought in on homemade planks or bench-like pallets.
Friday, May 31, 2018
On Friday, the last day of the Enfranz Medical Clinic, a woman entered the Clinic balancing a large basket on her head. Our Line Management leader was told that, in the bundle, she carried her dead baby. A hushed moment of somber respect passed among those standing at the gate as they watched the woman steadfastly walk in bare feet toward the Triage Department.
In Triage, the brave woman became a priority for care. She put down the basket and opened the blankets. Inside, to everyone’s joy, was a beautiful, living baby girl. The mother had experienced trouble after delivering her baby and knew two things: that she needed help and our Clinic was there.
She had begun walking to us “when the birds started singing” that morning, she explained. According to the sunrise, that would be about 6:00 a.m. She walked approximately eight miles and reached the Clinic at 8:30 a.m. In the OBGYN Department, mother and daughter received care. There in the Clinic, she gave her baby daughter the name Hannah.
The team of doctors and medical professionals on this Outreach treated 6,000 patients in just two days. It is such a remarkable blessing to impact so many lives in Yeshua’s name!