When you bless God’s people, you’ll be blessed in return!
You provided lifesaving treatment for an Ethiopian Jewish boy. Here’s what happened …
You can imagine … desperation can drive sick and injured people to do just about anything to get treatment.
And desperate certainly describes many of the Jewish people (and their neighbors) we care for at our Medical Clinics. Sadly, many struggle mightily just to survive in the most poverty-stricken lands of Africa.
They often have no access to health care. So they must sometimes go to extreme lengths to get help.
Obvious pain
At a recent Medical Clinic in Ethiopia, one of our team members briefly stepped outside a locked entrance to accept a delivery of food. While waiting, he noticed a boy standing across the street who was in obvious need of medical care. Because the boy’s pants were way too short, our staffer could see that his ankles and legs were terribly infected. Bleeding scabs were clearly visible, and he was in obvious pain.
Our team member was so concerned, he walked over and talked to the boy. He learned that the boy had come the day before, but we’d been unable to treat him because his parents were not there to give consent.
Thankfully, we got the necessary consent. Our dermatologist cleaned his wounds and prescribed antibiotics to fight the horrible infection.
Our doctor later said the infection was so advanced that, without the immediate treatment he received at the Clinic, the boy would have actually lost his legs.
God’s timing … God’s providence
One of the most difficult challenges at our Clinics is how to help all of the people who come to us. There are so many, we have trouble treating them all. While we hope and pray God will put those with the greatest need before us, it’s hard to watch people leave untreated.
It was certainly a case of God’s timing and providence. The Lord put this boy at that side entrance on purpose.
Your support brings healing and hope
All of this is made possible by partners like you who pray for this ministry and give to multiply our efforts so that even more Jewish people can be reached with help, healing and hope. Thank you!