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The Star of David: Is it of Man or of God? Part 2

July 29, 2015

By Messianic Jewish Rabbi Manny Brotman and Sandra B rotman

star flag

This is the second installment of a special four-part series taken from the article of the same title by Manny and Sandra Brotman. Find Part 1 here.


I, Yeshua (Jesus), have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the congregations. I am the Root and the Offspring of DAVID and the Bright and Morning STAR (Revelation 22:16 JUB).


Defamation by Design

Whatever the origins of this symbol, it seems that there is a definite pattern to defame it.While it is true that the Star of David has been used in some occult worship... it is equally true that the cross, the church, the Bible, and many other things that the Body of Messiah holds dear have also been included in occult worship, even centuries before the adoption of the Star of David as a symbol of the Jewish People and their nation.

Have the cross, the church, the Bible, the altar, the sacraments, the Names of God, the gifts of the Ruach HaKadosh (Hebrew for Holy Spirit), and Biblical symbols all lost their meaning and value because Satan has tried to counterfeit and defame them? Do we throw out the good with the evil? Do we let our good be evil spoken of?

Unfortunately, historically the cross has been a symbol of Jewish hatred and death in its various forms, from the Crusaders raising it high as they burned alive many Jewish families locked inside the synagogue in Jerusalem, chanting, "Christ, we adore You." The twisted cross became Hitler's symbol of the occultic religion of Nazism during the Holocaust, which sought the destruction of the world's Jewish population.

The names of the days of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and terms like "Easter" (inserted in the Book of Acts in place of "Passover") all had heathen origins. Yet Believers use such terms freely. Why, then, when it comes to a Jewish symbol, is the possible origin of the symbol so important? Is this not a double standard?

In the last 19 centuries, there has been a definite pattern to defame that which God has ordained as good. Satan has certainly defamed in the eyes of the Jewish People (and others) terms such as, "Christ," "Jesus," "cross," "convert," and "Christian" through almost two millennia of the most cruel torture and murder by "counterfeit Christians."

Even today, the term "born again" has become popularized and adulterated. So, why shouldn't the fallen angel, Lucifer (who is Satan), try to defame the Star of David? The Star has become the symbol of LIFE for the State of Israel as the central design of her flag and of the people of whom Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) said, "Salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22b).

A Matter of Motive 

When the 2.5 tribes of Israel helped the 9.5 tribes* conquer Canaan, before the 2.5 tribes returned to the east side of the Jordan River to settle, they built a mound of rocks.

The 9.5 tribes armed for war against the 2.5 tribes because they thought that the mound of rocks was for the purpose of idol worship.

The 2.5 tribes explained to them that the purpose of the mound of rocks was so that the 9.5 tribes would not forget them when they settled on the other side of the Jordan River — that they were still part and parcel of Israel. This explanation settled the threatened war.

In other words, the difference was MOTIVATION. They weren't building the mound of rocks for idolatry. They were building it for IDENTIFICATION. Their MOTIVE was to be ONE with their people.

If our motive is to wear a religious symbol for occult use or to obtain merit with God — be it the Star of David or any other symbol, then such use is unacceptable to God.

If your MOTIVE for wearing the Star of David is LOVE and IDENTIFICATION with the Jewish People (and, perhaps, to stimulate an opportunity to share the Messiah with them), then this is well-pleasing in the sight of God!

If Yeshua could be mikvahed (baptized by immersion) by John the Baptist... If Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) could observe Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost)... If Paul could circumcise Timothy to be a more effective witness to his Jewish brethren, shave his own head, and take a vow... how much more can you and I wear a symbol of love and identification that God may use to bring some Jewish friends and loved ones into a born-again relationship with Himself? (See 1 Corinthians 9:20.)

Israel Attacked

As Satan has systematically defamed the term "Zionism" (so much so that some Believers erroneously view it as a Jewish term to control the world), even so has Lucifer systematically defamed the Star of David.

As "Zionism" refers to the re-establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish People, the State of Israel, even so the Star of David has become the SYMBOL of that national homeland and the focal point in her flag's center.

We believe the Prophet Isaiah prophesied of this flag in Isaiah 11:11-12... "The Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left... He shall set up an ensign (flag) for the nations (goyim in Hebrew), and shall gather the outcasts of Israel... from the four corners of the earth." Truly, the "goyim", meaning Gentile or non-Jewish nations of the earth, recognize what people this flag represents.

An attack on "Zionism" and the Star of David is an attack on the State of Israel and the Jewish People. Such an attack is anti-biblical, anti-God, and anti-Semitic! Four thousand years ago, God promised to the first Hebrew, Abraham, "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee" (Genesis 12:3).

God stated in Zechariah 1:14 that He is "jealous for Jerusalem and for ZION with a great jealousy!" This was written before the inception of the Church as we know it in the book of Acts.


Stay tuned for Parts 3 and 4 of “The Star of David, Is it of God or Man?” coming soon. Used by permission.

mannyThe visionary Manny Brotman was known by many as the “Father of Modern-Day Messianic Judaism,” and in 1963 he founded The Messianic Jewish Movement International (MJMI). He is credited with popularizing the use of Messianic terminology and was the first ordained Messianic Jewish Rabbi in the modern Messianic congregation movement in the United States. Manny founded the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance of America in 1965 and laid the groundwork for the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He spoke at world conventions and appeared on 700 Club, PTL Club, TBN, and 100 Huntley Street across Canada. He represented Messianic Jews in America at Washington for Jesus ’88 and addressed the over one million in attendance.

Manny married Sandra Sheskin in 1987, and together they ministered throughout the world. In July 1999, Manny suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and “was promoted to Heaven” several days later. At his memorial service, a number of people prayed to accept Yeshua as their Messiah.



sandySandra Sheskin Brotman was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home and found Messiah Yeshua in her youth. Her gifted voice and communication skills have resulted in appearances on the nationally televised Today Show, 700 Club, TBN, PTL Club, and 100 Huntley Street across Canada.  She has spoken on Capitol Hill to various U.S. Government agencies as well as prayer fellowships of congressional and cabinet wives. She has also performed as guest soloist at The Annual Congressional Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the National Religious Broadcasters.

In 1987, Sandra married Messianic Rabbi Manny Brotman, and they ministered extensively together throughout the world until Manny’s early “promotion to heaven” in 1999. Today, Sandra continues as an evangelist, faithfully teaching and singing in her ministries. Among her passions is ministering to the brave warriors of the U.S. Military and Israel Defense Forces through her music and biblical encouragement. She is also a creative speaker burdened to stop “The American Holocaust of Abortion.” Written and performed by Sandra, her dramatization of a 12-week baby in the womb – who is, in the end, murdered by her mother’s abortion – is a powerful testimony to life in the womb and can be viewed on her website at



For concerts, speaking engagements, and Sandra’s dramatic pro-life presentations, please contact: Mrs. Sandra Sheskin Brotman, PO Box 356, Garret Park, MD 20896-0356, 301-946-3999

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