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Thank you for your partnership in 2018

January 02, 2019

The New Year is upon us, and we want to take a moment to let you know how much you’ve meant to us this past year. Your partnership with Jewish Voice Ministries International in 2018 had a powerful impact on the physical and spiritual lives of people all around the world.

Along with sharing the love and Good News of Yeshua (Jesus), your gifts restored eyesight, brought healing and gave clean drinking water to hurting Jewish people and their neighbors in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. Through your support of Jewish Voice, you gave them hope. You transformed and saved lives. And we are so grateful for you.

Here are a few highlights of what you made possible in 2018:

In Chitsungo, Zimbabwe, people are forced to share their only water source with hippos. But your gifts helped us distribute 5,370 personal LifeStraw® filters to provide a year of clean, safe drinking water. Through your generosity, a baby boy was saved when doctors removed a growth from his mouth that was preventing him from receiving the nourishment he needed to live.

In Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, your gifts enabled us to treat the most patients we’ve ever seen in a five-day Clinic ‒ 15,919! We distributed more than 12,000 personal LifeStraws® to individuals and 540 family-sized units to schools, families and a convalescent center.

In Enfranz, Ethiopia, you helped us introduce the Zehra Kids Program where children enjoyed a fun-filled time of learning about their Jewish heritage and how much God loves them. Your prayers sustained us through opposition as our spiritual care ministry was shut down mid-week by local leaders. Even so, God continued to use the prayer team to minister throughout the Clinic and city. The medical team provided quality care to 3,000 patients in a single day and then repeated that astounding feat the very next day. In all, you helped provide 13,225 people with medical, dental or eye care in Enfranz.

In Mudanda, Zimbabwe, your support made it possible to serve every last patient who came to us without having to turn anyone away when the Clinic ended. God used both medicine and miracles to provide healing to the people of Mudanda. In the prayer tent, a woman named Violet entered blind and left seeing – and rejoicing. Both she and her daughter accepted Yeshua as the Messiah.

In Alamata, Ethiopia, your partnership made it possible for us to be in this new location when a 16-year-old came with many questions. He said he believed in science rather than God but was clearly searching for more. Prayer Partners provided biblical answers, and after a time, he volunteered, “I am ready to receive Yeshua.” The next day, he returned with someone he had led to the Lord since leaving us 24 hours earlier.

In Jijiga, Ethiopia, your gifts provided an introductory two-day Clinic to serve a predominantly Muslim area in which a small Jewish community lives. One Muslim man beckoned a Jewish Voice staff member toward him. Grasping his arm, the man said, “I love the Jewish people. I just want you to know that.” Through your support of Jewish Voice, you are bringing the light and hope of Yeshua to this region.

Because of your generosity, 63,953 people received much-needed medical care in 2018 during Jewish Voice’s six Medical Outreaches. And1,178 people came to faith in Yeshua. As a result, 12 new congregations formed where the ripples of your gifts will continue ministering in Yeshua’s name.

Throughout the year, your support also helped us share God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people, combat anti-Semitism and encourage the faith of millions through the Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis television program.

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