“…For the joy set before Him, He endured…”
—Hebrews 12:2
Imagine the sound of gravel beneath your feet as you walk in the place where Jesus spent His last hours before He was arrested.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed that if there were any other way, He’d rather not go through what lay ahead of Him – and then He relinquished His will to the Father’s.
Hebrews tells us He laid down His own life “for the joy set before Him.” That joy was you. He knew that His death meant you would be reconciled to God and given eternal life.
When you join us on the Jewish Voice Ministries Israel Tour 2021, you’ll visit the Garden of Gethsemane with its ancient, gnarled olive trees and beautiful flower beds.
You’ll see where Jesus knelt and prayed. You’ll look upon the setting where He stood up with resolve to face the mob who’d come out to arrest Him.
You’ll see the place where He entrusted Himself to the Father and stepped willingly into the greatest sacrifice ever made – for you.
And your faith will be transformed.
The Garden of Gethsemane
is just one of the many biblical sites
that will invigorate your faith
when you join us on the
Jewish Voice Ministries
Israel Tour 2021
October 10-20, 2021
We are planning this exciting Israel tour in faith that COVID-19 will be a matter of little concern by tour time. However, in case it (or anything else beyond our control) causes travel restrictions that force us to cancel the trip, you will receive a full refund for any payments you’ve made toward it. If the tour is able to take place, but you choose to cancel your participation, our regular cancellation schedule listed in the brochure will apply.