We are headed to Fiche, Ethiopia, for our first Medical Outreach of 2021. We are so excited to get into the field again to serve, minister to and love the Ethiopian people, all in the name of Jesus. We want every expression – in word or deed – to proclaim the Good News, and we know we need your covering of prayer, especially in times like these.
Here’s how you can pray for the Jewish Voice Medical Outreach in Fiche, Ethiopia, starting NOW:
- Use the daily prayer requests below to pray along with us before, during and after
- Sign up on our prayer calendar for a specific time during the Fiche Medical Outreach to pray from home. We hope to have every hour covered by our faithful partners so that as we minister, travel, and even sleep, someone – maybe you! – is praying.
Thank you for joining us in this way. Let’s pray!
The Week Before: Thursday, February 11–Thursday, February 18 ● Psalm 68:1, Malachi 3:1
- Pray for the Lord to clear the way and scatter His enemies in preparation for His work in Fiche
- Global Outreach Team members as they each travel to Ethiopia ahead of the Clinic to complete preparations with our in-country team members
- Key team leaders to effectively meet with and receive favor from local government, community and religious leaders ahead of the Outreach
- Our Outreach Engagement Manager and the small group of Outreach Partners as they travel on February 18, arriving in Addis Ababa the next day
- Sustained health and negative Covid-19 tests for team and partners, enabling them to enter Ethiopia
Friday, February 19 ● Psalm 34:7–9, Romans 14:19
- God’s spiritual and physical protection throughout the week over the team, partners, belongings, equipment, vehicles, Clinic site and lodgings
- Protection of family members at home and all that pertains to those serving on this Outreach
- Unity among all team members – JVMI staff, volunteer, medical and dental, as well as JVMI Ethiopian staff and local congregational leaders
- A restful and grateful time of fellowship as the team share Shabbat dinner in Addis Ababa
Saturday, February 20 ● 1 Corinthians 14:33, Romans 8:28
- Safe travel to the Clinic site in Fiche Saturday morning
- Effective Clinic set-up to best serve those who will come for treatment
- A good line management strategy, including exits, entrances, and patient flow once inside the Clinic site
- Daily prayer-covering for favor with the community and openness to the Good News expressed in word and deed
Sunday, February 21 ● Proverbs 16:7, 9
- God’s wisdom and acute discernment for our spiritual care leader and Ethiopian congregational leaders we are partnering with to carry out the best plans for reaching the community with love, LifeStraws® and the Good News
- Supernatural discernment in the hiring of local workers who will fully understand and support the work of the Lord through JVMI all week during the Clinic
- A smooth opening to the Medical Clinic this afternoon as we prepare to minister to thousands
- Effectiveness for every department of this large Medical Clinic, including medical, dental and eye care, plus supernatural healing from the Lord
Monday, February 22 ● Psalm 91:11, Ezekiel 36:26
- Angelic protection over the Clinic site, hotel we’re staying in everywhere we walk or drive and over team members visiting homes in the community
- Shalom, the peace of God, to permeate every aspect of this Outreach and reveal the Kingdom of God to this region’s people with no disturbances
- The Lord to touch the hearts of leaders and those whose testimonies will deeply influence many others, and for God to receive the glory
Tuesday, February 23 ● Mark 16:20, Luke 4:14
- Increasing favor with all in the area and many people to receive care and seeds to be planted for them to accept Yeshua (Jesus)
- Successful patient care along with order in the Clinic and community as we minister in the Holy Spirit’s power
- Us to walk in the Spirit, being supernaturally sensitive and obedient to His guidance
- Expressions of love, clarity of the Word and signs and wonders to bring forth the fruit of healing, salvation and deliverance
Wednesday, February 24 ● Psalm 50:23, 2 Corinthians 10:4
- A canopy of praise, worship and prayer to rise up from within our team members, with external expressions as able
- The Spirit of God to be at work in this area, pushing back resistance and darkness and opening hearts to receive Jesus
- God to establish a spiritual beachhead during this Outreach for continuing the work of the Good News and expanding His kingdom
Thursday, February 25 ● Revelation 21:6, 2 Timothy 4:7
- Us to leave the area with many blessings manifested among community members and that their hearts be filled with gratitude to God
- Safety and ease as we close the Clinic and pay local workers
- Smooth travel back to Addis Ababa, where the team and partners will take another COVID-19 test in preparation to return to the U.S.
Friday, February 26 ● Psalm 90:17, Psalm 37:23
- A refreshing and encouraging Shabbat dinner together, sharing testimonies and praises
- Safe travel home, a long journey that begins tonight
- A special outpouring of grace on the leaders of the Addis Ababa congregation with whom we partnered during this Outreach, along with wisdom and strategies from the Lord for future ministry in the Fiche area
Saturday, February 27 and beyond ● Psalm 74:12
- Grace and safety for team members completing final tasks in Ethiopia
- The work of the Lord to continue in Fiche, including establishing a congregation there
- Wisdom and grace for Jewish Voice Ministries regarding future ministry in Fiche, as well as for the rest of our 2021 Outreach plans
LORD, we look to You because we are entirely dependent upon You. We pray to You for this Outreach in Fiche, Ethiopia, knowing that prayer is Your design to bring about Your will on the Earth. And we trust You to work in and through us and also in the dear people of Fiche, beyond anything we could ask or think. We ask for salvations, healing and deliverance, and we pray this in Jesus’ name and for Your glory. AMEN!