I’m writing to ask for your help in reaching members of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and other Jewish communities in Africa with something they desperately need: clean, safe water.
But first, let me share a powerful story from Exodus 15:22-27 about the miracle of clean water:
Right after crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites entered the Wilderness of Shur. But within three days, they were in desperate need of water.
Coming upon a spring called Marah (“bitter”), they found the water undrinkable. They grumbled to Moses, who wisely called out to God for help. God directed Moses to a tree and told him to throw it into the water. When he obeyed, the water was turned from bitter to sweet.
What a beautiful example of how God can miraculously provide for our needs. He made the water drinkable for the Israelites. And He’s still meeting needs in amazing ways today!
One of these ways is through YOU providing LifeStraws®.
I’ve written about them before, but if they are new to you let me explain:
A LifeStraw is a remarkable, almost miraculous, water filtration device. Each Family LifeStraw costs $75 and provides enough clean drinking water for a family of five for three years! That means each $15 you give provides clean water for one person for three years.
This simple, portable, inexpensive filter removes 99.9% of the bacteria, parasites and pollutants from water. That means it takes out disease-causing contaminants, effectively turning “bitter,” undrinkable water into pure, safe, healthy water!
Do you see the connection to the story from Exodus? Bitter, undrinkable water can be made drinkable to meet the needs of thirsty people.
And that’s exactly what YOU can do right now with your gift to provide clean water with LifeStraws. You’ll make a life-changing – even life-saving – difference for Jewish people and their neighbors living in remote areas of Africa.
Along with LifeStraws, we are able to educate communities on the dangers of unclean water and the need for basic hygiene. And prayerfully, very soon we will be able to provide medical, dental and eye care for many in need through our new, smaller mobile clinics.
Most important, we pray with the people and share the Good News of our Messiah – who called Himself “Living Water” and wants to give them abundant life, now and forever.
You’ll be meeting a critical physical need AND sharing the love and hope of Jesus!
It really is a type of modern-day miracle and a symbol of the Living Water that only Jesus offers!
Right now, each $15 you give provides clean water for one person for three years.