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Your Prayers Have Been Working!

June 07, 2018

Thank You for your Faithful Prayers!

“The effective prayer of a righteous person is very powerful” – James 5:16 (TLV)

Thank you so much for your prayers during our recent Medical Outreach in Enfranz, Ethiopia. God used your prayer to undergird the ministry taking place in Ethiopia and we saw great fruit.

With your prayers, we were able to treat thousands of patients during the week. Hundreds visited the prayer room and many were transformed with new life in Messiah when they came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus). Your prayers also helped sustain the Outreach during a period of spiritual and physical oppression.

We ask for your continued prayer support as we look forward to our upcoming Outreach in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe. Sign up here to cover Mberengwa and our Outreach in prayer.


Thank you again for your faithful prayers, 

Prayer Center Coordinator

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