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Drawing Near: Renewal and Recommitment to God’s Purposes Through Prayer

January 14, 2021

Was 2020 a year of prayer for you? Many of us likely spent more time praying through 2020 than in the last several years added together! Many congregations, networks and ministries partnered together for the first time ever in prayer. Millions of Believers participated in global online prayer meetings.  The prayers of God’s people around the world were used by Him in more ways than we can know in this life.

As we move forward in 2021, we must ensure that we are being renewed personally from the huge spiritual expenditure we have poured out in prayer as well as the toll 2020 has taken on us in other ways (Psalm 23:1-3). This is especially true as challenges all around us increase. We also may need to recalibrate our focus in prayer to make sure we are still on target with God’s urgent “prayer assignments” for us in the unknown territory of this strange new season (Romans 12:2).

Personal Renewal Through Prayer

As spiritual beings, whether we are going through hard times or relatively easier seasons, we are perpetually in need of ongoing personal, spiritual renewal (Mark 6:31, Psalm 46:10a). This comes in large part from intentionally being with the Lord, knowing that prayer is not simply a means to an end but an intimate relational connection with Him as a Person. These personal times in His presence make room for the deep transformative work of the Holy Spirit in our often weary and sometimes hurting souls (Matthew 11:28).

We can get so focused on “praying for” that we lose sight of the “being with” aspects of prayer (Isaiah 40:31), such as…

  • Sitting with God and meditating prayerfully on His Word
  • Listening for His voice and pouring out our own hearts to Him
  • Responding to Him through worship and experiencing His embrace in return

This is how faith begins to arise again, and hope is restored. We bring the ashes of our unmet expectations to our Father and He graciously exchanges them for the beauty of knowing and trusting Him. We don’t really experience the full benefits of our relationship with Him until we take time to be with Him, through renewing, relational prayer.

Renewing Our Commitment to Pray for His Purposes for Israel and the Jewish People

Receiving personal renewal through prayer is vital for our own spiritual health and well-being, but it is not for our sakes alone. As we experience His renewal, strength and fresh infilling, we can once again pour ourselves whole-heartedly into the purposes of God, into His unique calling on us and the specific assignments that He is asking us to steward (1 John 4:19). We cannot deny the urgency and deep need all around, and we realize this is a strategic time to recalibrate our focus and renew our commitment to the ministry of prayer (Colossians 4:2).

As we dig deep into God’s Word and prayerfully seek Him for wisdom, we once again see the importance of praying for Israel and the Jewish people (Psalm 122:6, Isaiah 62:6-7). They are deeply important to God and central to His purposes. They are inextricably intertwined with the End Times and with Jesus’ return. They are His Chosen People, and their land is truly His Land. They are the apple of His eye, and He is asking us to call on Him in prayer on their behalf and for their eternal well-being. Out of love for Him and a desire for His purposes to be fulfilled, we are being drawn to intercede for them as never before.

Time for Renewal through Prayer and to Prayer

As 2021 begins, perhaps the Lord is inviting you to a special prayerful time of personal spiritual renewal. Rich blessings and deep fellowship will be yours in Him as you respond (Psalm 27:4, 7-8).

He is no doubt also calling You to a renewed or even new commitment to personal time with Him in prayer. May you “shema” – hear and obey – as you wholeheartedly answer His call. Your prayers will impact you and the globe as you pray in accordance with the purposes of God, and you will share the joy of heart-to-heart partnership with Him (Romans 11:26).

If you are interested in joining with Jewish Voice Ministries for the fulfilment of God’s purposes for Israel and the Jewish people through prayer, become a Prayer Partner here or email us at: for other opportunities to pray for us and with us as we reach out in Israel and to the Jewish people around the world.

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