Your support helped answer a father’s desperate prayer and saved a little boy’s life. But that’s only part of the story . . .
Ballet stared at the clinic workers through empty eyes. His belly was badly swollen. It was clear that death was stalking this child. He was now so weak he could barely stand.
It was the water that was making him sick. Every drink Ballet had taken for the last four years had literally been a cup of death. But he had no choice. The contaminated stream, a two-hour walk from his home, was the only water for miles.
Worse, the parasites that were ravaging Ballet’s body were only one of the threats lurking in the murky waters.
A daily battle for survival
Tragically, waterborne diseases kill more than 4,000 children every day in impoverished parts of the world.
And the Gondar Province of Ethiopia, where Ballet lives, is one of the most poverty-stricken of all. Here, a tiny remnant of God’s chosen people fight a daily battle for survival.
But because of you, they have hope.
When Ballet’s father brought him to the Jewish Voice Medical Clinic in Gondar, he feared that his boy would not survive much longer. “I hope my child lives,” he said. It was a father’s desperate cry for help.
Enabled by your support, our doctors examined Ballet and determined he had a parasitic infection. They began treating him with medication immediately. Two weeks later, he had completely recovered.
But this was only the beginning of what your generosity helped accomplish.
Because of you, neither Ballet, nor his family, nor so many others in their village has to drink contaminated water anymore. You see, in addition to the life-saving medical care you provided, you supplied them with simple, low-cost water filters called LifeStraws® that eliminate 99.9% of all bacteria, parasites and solid particles from their drinking water.
LifeStraws® save lives. They also provide a great opportunity to proclaim Yeshua (Jesus) to our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Your support brings healing and hope
Put simply, that’s what Jewish Voice is all about. We exist to transform lives and see all Israel saved. This mission often spurs us to humanitarian work in countries like Ethiopia, where Jewish people are experiencing extreme poverty and in some areas, persecution. But as you are about to read, there is also much more to what we do.
All of this is made possible by you and others who pray for this ministry and give to multiply our efforts so that even more Jewish people can be reached with help, healing and the hope of the Gospel. Thank you!