As we launch this new year of ministry, I’m encouraged by the fact that God is still on the throne. He is still in control. He is watching over and caring for His people!
Even amidst the constant upheaval in the Middle East, and throughout the world, the issues we face are not political . . . but spiritual. And there’s no doubt in my mind that the day is coming when the Messiah will return to reign over all the earth. He will bring judgment on His enemies, after which the whole world will live together in peace. I’ll be focusing on this topic in several upcoming TV shows. I hope you’ll watch and be encouraged.
But what about today?
This is why Jewish Voice is so important. Because until that time of world peace comes, we are called by God to be His instruments of peace – to the Jewish people, and to all nations. That’s what compels us in the work we do around the world, whether it’s Medical Outreaches, humanitarian aid or establishing Messianic congregations in strategic locations across the globe.
God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should receive eternal life through faith in His Son. Only the Gospel can transform hearts . . . and usher in peace.
I share much more on our television program. And you’re invited to tune in. I also hope you’ll join us in 2019 with your prayers and support. We can do more, but it must be with you by our side.