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9 Ways To Pray For Our Leaders

March 27, 2017

Trump and Israel


Whether you favored Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in last year’s election, our responsibility remains the same as Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) AND supporters of a Jewish state: to pray for and seek productive relations between the two nations and to pray for those in leadership. I hope you’ll join me in praying for that in the weeks ahead. Here are some ways to pray:

  1. Strengthened U.S.-Israel ties and productive relations between leaders in each country
  2. World opinion and sympathy toward Israel to grow more favorable and fair, including in the United Nations
  3. Healing to replace the division and strife experienced in so many countries
  4. Building unity, first among the Body of Messiah and also throughout our nations
  5. That we recognize and honor God as having ultimate dominion and authority
  6. World leaders to humble themselves before God
  7. God to draw the leaders of the world to faith in Yeshua
  8. Righteous leaders who fear God and love truth
  9. Leaders to rule with integrity, with God’s guidance


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