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Free Indeed – Passover Devotional 6

April 15, 2017

Passover Plate The Ruach [Spirit] of Adonai Elohim is on me, because Adonai has anointed Me to proclaim Good News to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor

―Isaiah 61:1-2a


God is in the business of setting captives free. When Moses spoke God’s message to the Hebrews in Egypt, they knew their deliverance had finally come. When Isaiah spoke the words of the Scriptures above to the Jewish people captive in Babylon, it gave them hope. They would be free!


Yeshua (Jesus) became our Passover Lamb in fulfillment of the prophetic picture of Passover. Likewise, when He began His ministry on Earth, He announced to His people the fulfillment of the words Isaiah spoke referring to Israel’s physical captivity in Babylon.


God was faithful to release Israel from their physical bondage to various nations in their ancient history, and Yeshua came to set us free from spiritual slavery to sin, a bondage leading to an eternal captivity. And while He proclaimed liberty to the captives, Yeshua also declared that this freedom would be unlike any other. Yeshua told us that the life He came to give us was abundant and that if He sets us free, we are truly free. He gave us His Spirit so that we could walk in life and freedom (John 6:63).



I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly!

―John 10:10


Yeshua answered them, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!

―John 8:36


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Ruach Adonai (Spirit) is, there is freedom.

―2 Corinthians 3:17


Father, thank You for giving me complete freedom and abundant life through Your Son, Yeshua. Thank You for giving me Your Spirit to dwell within me to help me walk in that freedom and know the fullness of life You have given me.


Get the informative Passover Seder Plate Infographic!


Learn more about Passover, here: 

Yeshua, Our Passover Lamb – Passover Devotional 1

He Heard the Cry of Our Affliction – Passover Devotional 2

When I See the Blood – Passover Devotional 3

With Outstretched Arm – Passover Devotional 4

If God Had Not – Passover Devotional 5

Free Indeed – Passover Devotional 6

Freed to Serve A Good Master – Passover Devotional 7

Living Ready – Passover Devotional Day 8

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