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Outreach Recap: Your Impact is Transforming lives in Kechene, Ethiopia

October 17, 2023

Kechene, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach

  • 15,825 Patients Received Care
  • 1,509 People Received Dental Care
  • 3,758 Eyeglasses Distributed
  • 84 Received Eye Surgery, reversing or preventing blindness
  • 169 Received Minor Surgery
  • 2 Babies Delivered
  • 7,817 People Heard the Gospel message
  • 97 People Received Yeshua
  • 29 People Requested Congregational Follow-up

Our hearts remain heavy for Israel concerning the overwhelming tragedies from the Hamas attacks that began on October 7. We know your hearts also ache, and your prayers for the people and State of Israel continue, as do ours.

With Israel in the forefront of our hearts, we also want to bring you good news of the Lord’s continuing work around the world, making Yeshua (Jesus) known as the Messiah and Savior of the world – work that you help make possible. In June, we conducted a Medical Outreach in a Jewish community situated in the heart of Ethiopia’s capital. Here’s what you helped make happen there.

Kechene, Ethiopia, was among the first places we held a Medical Outreach many years ago. Like many Jewish communities are forced to do in Ethiopia, it was originally settled well outside city limits. However, over the decades, the capital city of Addis Ababa grew so large that now it entirely surrounds the distinctly Jewish community of Kechene.

Regulations prevented us from having an onsite Spiritual Care Ministry at the local clinic where we held our Kechene Clinic. Instead, 97 local pastors and leaders conducted street evangelism during the Outreach. Three things about this effort stand out as enormous blessings.

  • The Beta Abraham Messianic Congregation (BAMC) initiated, organized and implemented this huge outreach to their community. It’s so encouraging to see the growth, maturity and independence of this congregation that you help support and provide leadership training for. Twelve people from this small congregation participated
  • The enthusiastic response of the evangelical community indicates a growing unity between them and Messianic Believers in the area. Eighty-five people joined the BAMC team to walk the streets of Kechene in pairs, sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus)
  • In total, the group shared the Gospel with 7,817 people in Kechene, planting the seeds of eternal life in each one. Ninety-seven of them have already shared that they accepted Jesus as their Messiah

In addition to the eternal lives you helped change through your support of this Outreach, you also provided desperately needed medical, dental and eye care to thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors living in this struggling community. You also enabled us to improve the local clinic property to provide greater levels of patient care. In just 10 days, our Ethiopian Logistics Manager, Habte, led a team that demolished a small unusable building, excavated a new site by hand and constructed a new building that will be used for storage and office space. This new building frees up several rooms inside the clinic as additional treatment rooms.

Without your gracious gifts, none of this would have been possible. You’ve made a difference in so many ways. 

Pray with us that the Gospel seeds planted will produce the fruit of salvation in every life who heard the Good News. And thank you again for making all of this possible.

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