Several weeks ago our staff here at Jewish Voice Ministries International participated in a ministry-wide week of prayer and fasting. We have done this twice annually for the last couple of years. It has been a powerful experience, both concerning what the Lord does in our own hearts as well as in us as a ministry. This time was no exception.
Although the work of ministry continues during these special weeks, the work of prayer increases as we have worship and prayer times available every hour of the work day all week. There is also one full day when we come together for worship, prayer and hearing from the Lord together.
During this most recent week of prayer and fasting, as always, Jonathan Bernis prayerfully shared his heart for the ministry and us as a team. Staff members gave testimony of ways in which the Lord touched them and answered prayer. We also spent time in prayer for you, our partners, lifting you up with gratitude and thanksgiving.
As we listened to the Lord together, the theme that emerged in our hearts was that God is bringing us into a new season and calling us to partner with Him to see it birthed.
“Here I am, doing a new thing; now it is springing up –
do you not know about it?”
—Isaiah 43:19a, TLV
Below are some of the prayer items that came from this fall’s set-apart time with God. Please join us in praying forward into all He is calling us to.
Please pray that we will:
- Respond to the wooing of the Lord to spend time just being with Him, worshiping, abiding, listening, going deep in Him and His word
- Be diligent to press into the Lord for discernment and understanding, especially regarding what, when, where and with whom He is calling us
- Not settle for good ideas but press in for “God ideas,” pursuing the Spirit of the Lord to birth ministry that is of the Spirit
- Keep short accounts and be in a constant state of acknowledging and turning from sin and turning to the Lord, eager to receive His refreshing
- Not only be reconciled to God and one another as needed but wholeheartedly take on the ministry of reconciliation which has been entrusted to us so that we might be used by God to see lives transformed and all Israel saved
- Press in with renewed vision and passion, praying to the Lord of the harvest for resources and workers to send many into the field and reap eternal fruit unto salvation
Let’s pray:
Father, as Isaiah 43 beckons, we want to be those who see and discern what You are doing in this new season. We want to dwell in Your Presence, go deep in Your word, hear Your voice clearly, and follow You faithfully. We pray this for ourselves and each of our dear partners as well. In Yeshua’s glorious name, Amen.