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Prayer Points: How you can pray for the children

July 31, 2024

Cultivating Seeds

One of the most wonderful things we partner with you in doing is having fun with kids while simultaneously affirming their Jewish identity and sharing with them the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).

We do this through the Zehra Kid’s Program. If you have been a partner with Jewish Voice Ministries for some time, you’ve seen the photos: happy children playing with hula hoops and soccer balls on a playground, singing, learning, and coloring under the Zehra sign and brightly decorated canopies.

This is such a significant aspect of our Outreaches. The children have meaningful experiences onsite at our Medical Clinics. We also reach out to them during special school visits, interacting with hundreds of children in a short time.

The name Zehra comes from the Hebrew word for “seed.” This program, along with the newly developed Nehemiah Teen program, Shabbat school materials and other resources and initiatives, truly plant seeds of love, joy, truth, and identity.

Will you help cultivate these seeds in the lives of these beautiful children and teens  through your prayers? Here are some points our Zehra Program Manager asks us to please pray for:

  • The Zehra children’s program during our Medical Outreaches to be well situated and staffed, and to impact not only the kids who visit, but their families and friends as they go home and share the songs, lessons, and coloring pages
  • School visits, where our Zehra Program leader and others can impact hundreds of children in one short visit
  • The new and very well-received Nehemiah Program, specifically designed for Jewish teens and their friends in our Outreach communities
  • Anointing and excellence in developing and facilitating Zehra Leadership Trainings for indigenous leaders
  • Life-impacting times of service for the young adults who minister by helping facilitate the programs
  • The Lord’s help and favor for some significant resource projects designed to speak straight to the heart and identity of children from some of our key communities

Some more areas for prayer include:

  • Community Impact: Pray that Zehra may have a positive and lasting impact on the communities we reach out to, bringing hope, joy, and transformation to children, teens, and families
  • Spiritual Growth: Pray for the spiritual growth of the children and teens, that they may come to know and love God deeply, understand His Word, and grow in their faith & godly identity
  • Volunteers and Leaders: Pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance for all volunteers and leaders involved in the ministry so that they may serve with love, patience, and humility
  • Outreach and Impact: Pray that the ministry will effectively reach out to even more in the community and that the love of Messiah will be evident through the ministry's activities and interactions
  • Open Hearts and Minds: Pray that the children and teens will be opened to receive God's love and truth and receptive to the messages shared

Let’s Pray

Lord, we know that, because of You, there is hope for the seed. May You use the Zehra Program in all its aspects to deeply impact the lives of many, many children and teens, as well as their families, friends and communities. May the kids learn life lessons that will help them know and love You, understand Your love and blessings for them, and step into the identity and calling You have for each one. Thank You for all You have done and will do as we water the Zehra program “seeds” with our prayers! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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