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Moving into 2014 with Prayer

January 13, 2014

As we enter a new calendar year, we are looking forward to many new opportunities to see God at work in and through Jewish Voice Ministries International. We know as never before that we need the Lord in every detail of all we do! Join us in these prayers for Jewish Voice as we move ahead in taking the Good News of Yeshua around the world in 2014!


  • Lord, in light of all You have done and are continuing to do, we praise You! As this next year rises up before us, we ask for an even greater anointing on Jonathan Bernis, our Outreach Team and volunteers, and our entire staff, to fulfill the increasing opportunities and mandate You have given us
  • May we proclaim the Good News with signs and wonders, reaching Jewish People with the truth of Yeshua
  • May we be used by You to deeply impact the Church with the truth concerning Your heart for the Jewish People and for Israel
  • Lord, by your Spirit, we ask for a special and particular anointing on every word that proceeds from this ministry, whether in person, broadcast, or print, that it would hit the mark and accomplish exactly what You have for it
  • You have made Jonathan Bernis a witness to the Jewish People. Please continue to give him and this entire ministry the abilities and insight to be that prophetic “Jewish Voice,” that through our service to You, we will continue to see souls saved, nations discipled and lives and communities transformed
  • Bless every leader and department head in this ministry, as well as those who partner with us in other lands, with abundant faith, wisdom and clarity, that we might seamlessly fulfill Your plans for this year
  • Bless and protect our dear friends, a couple from the United States, as they begin this year in Zimbabwe as Jewish Voice Ministries’ first missionaries
  • We also ask for protection over every person, including our staff, partners and intercessors, as well as our families, and all who pertain to us. Thank You for Your many promises regarding Your protection; we trust You for our health, finances, relationships, and every area of our lives
  • Lord, we ask that You continue to empower Jewish Voice Ministries to fight the good fight of faith and testify of You. You have called us to turn people from darkness to light, the Jewish People first and also the nations. Enable us to stand in Your armor and proclaim Your Word boldly, with our voices and through the many expressions of Jewish Voice Ministries. Thank You that You have both created and equipped us to be effective in all the good works You have for us to do in 2014. In Yeshua's name, AMEN!

Invite your friends and family to become Jewish Voice Ministries Prayer Partners by sending them  this link.

Start praying now for our upcoming 2014 Outreaches, and consider joining us!

Let us know how we can pray for you.

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